Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I enjoyed a nice Mother's Day on Sunday. Bill and Meredith took me to the Waffle House for breakfast. You may think whoopty-do, but I love the Waffle House, especially since I don't normally eat there. It was great because Meredith tried OJ for the first time and loved it and she wolfed her breakfast down. They have a kids one egg breakfast for $2 and the only thing kid about it is the price, it came with two slices of toast and grits or hash browns like an adult meal. She ate the egg first and went on to the grits and about finished those, with a little toast on the side.

After breakfast we went to Costco, a thing we needed to do, but one I also enjoy because they have so much great stuff. We did it at a leisurely pace. When we returned home Meredith and Tinsley gave me a gift certificate for a massage which I am dying to use.

Overall it was a nice day.

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